Forum Lirik Lagu.

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu How Would You Feel

Terjemahan Dan Lirik Lagu How Would You Feel

You are the one, girl
You know that it's true
I'm feeling younger
Every time that I'm alone with you
Kau lah satu-satunya, hai gadis
Kau tahu bahwa itu nyata
Aku merasa lebih muda
Disetiap saat aku menyendiri denganmu

We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we shouldn't had asked but
Kita duduk di dalam mobil yang terparkir
Curi-curi ciuman di depan halaman
Kita punya pertanyaan yang harus tidak kita tanyakan

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It's just something that I want to do
I'm taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too
Apa yang kau rasakan
Jika aku katakan aku cinta padamu
Itu adalah hal yang ingin aku lakukan
Aku jalani waktuku, melalui hidupku
Semakin dalam jatuh cinta kepadamu
Katakan kau juga cinta padaku

In the summer, as the lilacs blew
Blood flows deeper than a river
Every moment that I spend with you
Dimusim panas, seiring bunga lilacs merona
Aliran darah mengalir lebih kencang dari sungai
Disetiap saat aku jalani waktu bersamamu

We were sat upon our best friend's roof
I had both of my arms around you
Watching the sunrise replace the moon
Kita duduk di depan atap teman baik kita
Kedua tanganku ada dipelukmu
Menyaksikan matahari terbit menggantikan bulan

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It's just something that I want to do
I'm taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too

We were sitting in a parked car
Stealing kisses in a front yard
We got questions we shouldn't had asked

How would you feel
If I told you I loved you
It's just something that I want to do
I'm taking my time, spending my life
Falling deeper in love with you
So tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too
Tell me that you love me too

  Terjemahan lirik oleh: MA

Informasi Tentang Lagu How Would You Feel
terjemahan lirik lagu barat, lirikwesternindo
Kembali Ed Sheeran dengan lagu romantis. Lirik yang mengena di hati kamu yang lagi jatuh cinta. Single ini ada dalam album studio ketiga Ed Sheeran ?. Meski bukan lagu utama tapi lagu ini cukup mendapat sambutan positif dan berhasil masuk chart UK Single's Chart di posisi kedua. 

Lagu ini ditulis oleh Ed Sheeran, rilis 17 Februari 2017 dengan label Asylum dan Atlantic. Lagu ini berjenre Pop, folk blue-eyed soul dan acoustic. Produser juga Ed Sheeran, format rilis digital download dengan durasi 4:40.

Demikian Terjemahan Lirik Lagu  How Would You Feel bisa ditemukan di link Oke semua terima kasih telah datang ke blog ini.

Terjemahan Lirik Lagu How Would You Feel Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: BLOG LIRIK LAGU

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