Forum Lirik Lagu.

Lirik Flumpool - Believer's High ( ??????�??) [ Romaji, English, Kanji ]

hello kawan,  kali ini datang lagi request lagu jepang dari teman kita Hendar Pilahu yang katanya ingin mengetahui Lirik lagu Flumpool - Believer's High ( ??????�??). sebelum kita membahas liriknya. bagi yang belum tau, yuk kita bahas sejenak mengenai Band Flumpool yang satu ini. :)

Flumpool ( ??????) merupakan sebuah Band Jepang yang beranggotakan 4 orang berasal dari Osaka Jepang. Awalnya mereka membentuk sebuah group band bernama 'Cube' pada tahun 2002. tapi pada tahun 2007 mereka merekrut seorang drummer dan merubah nama band mereka menjadi Flumpool
di Indonesia sendiri sudah ada lho fanbase Flumpool ini, kalau kalian suka kalian bisa bergabung dengan groupnya :)

nah setelah membahas bandnya, sekarang saatnya yuk kita simak Lyric lagu Flumpool - Believer's high yang sudah lengkap dengan terjemahan inggrisnya ini :)

cover album monument by flumpool
Flumpool album monument

Lyric Flumpool - Believer's High ( ??????�??)

Romaji Version

Egao mo namida mo kitto subete kimi ni deau tamedatta 

Konosaki ni nani ga matsu ka wa mienai 
Hirogaru chiheisen ni chikatta hi to onaji mikadzuki 
Kobore yuku namida kaze ga tsureteiku 
Narenai shigusa de sonosakihe nando mo te o nobashita 

Kotoba-tarazu de kizutsuketa hito yo 
Mou torikesenai kako o seotte fumidashite iku nda 

Egao mo namida mo kitto subete kimi ni deau tame no riyuu datta 
" Ashitagaru" tatta sore dake de 
Boku ga ikiruimi ni natte soshite mata you ga terasu yo 

Kiete yuku hoshi o se ni shita yoake 
Warai akashite ita ashita waraeru konkyo mo sagasazu 

Tokini wake mo naku sabishiku naru nda 
Hieta yokaze ni tanabiku furaggu no you mata kimi o motometa 

Hateshinaku tsudzuku towa no michi gake ni tachisukumu kodokudeatte mo 
Soredemo `muryoku janai' itsuka wa kaze ni kotae o tokihanatte 
Soshite kiminitodokeru yo 

Akatsuki no mukou ni nani ga mattete mo 
Aruki dasu ka kimeru no wa itsu datte jibundearitai 

Te ni shitai nda sono burenai kanjou futatabi kimi ni deau sono hi made ni 
" Ashitagaru" tatta sore dake de boku ga ikiruimi ni natte 
Soshite mata you ga terasu yo 
Itsuka kimi o terasu yo


Kanji Version

???? ??????????
?????????????? ???
????? ???????
??????? ?????????????

?????? ??????
??????????? ???? ?????????

????? ????? ????????????
�?????� ????????
??????????? ???????????

????? ?????????
???????? ??(???)?????????

?????? ???????
?????????? ??????? ???????

?????????(??)?? ?????????????
???????????? ??????????????
??? ??????

?(????)????? ???????
?????????? ????? ???????

??????? ???????? ??????? ??????
�?????� ???????????????????
??? ????????



English Version

All of the times I smiled and cried were so that I could meet you.

I can�t see anything that lies ahead, except for that same new moon,
That hung there the day I made my oath to the expanding horizon.
My tears fall as the wind pushes me along.
Though it feels unnatural, I can�t stop reaching out in front of me.
For you, whom I hurt through a lack of words,
I�ll bear that irreparable past and take my first step onward.

All of the times I smiled and cried were for the purpose of meeting you.
Just the fact that tomorrow will come,
Has given me a reason to live� and the sun will shine again.

At daybreak, I put the vanishing stars behind me.
Walking into the tomorrow we illuminated with our smiles, not bothering to search for their purpose.
Though every so often, without reason, I become lonesome,
And pursue you, as if you were a flag flowing through the chilled night sky.

Even if I encounter a loneliness that leaves me paralyzed on the cliff-side on this endless road,
I still won�t be �powerless�; the wind will release the answer,
And I�ll be able to reach you.

No matter what awaits me beyond the daybreak,
I want to be the one who decides whether I take that step forward.

I want to attain those un-muddled feelings before I see you again.
Just the fact that tomorrow will come has given me a reason to live,
And the sun will shine again.

Someday it will shine upon you.

Credit Source : Lyric-nonsense | jplyrics | beautifulsonglyric

nah semoga kalian terhibur ya dengan adanya lirik Flumpool dengan judul Believers high. tetap semangat dan tetap percaya diri. jika kalian suka, kalian bisa meninggalkan komentar atau sekedar like fanspage kami agar selalu mendapatkan update lirik lagu Jepang  maupun Soundtrack anime yang sedang populer saat ini :)

Lirik Flumpool - Believer's High ( ??????�??) [ Romaji, English, Kanji ] Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: BLOG LIRIK LAGU

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